Professional Development: Beware of the ImposterDr. Laura Latta2022-06-30T13:54:53+00:00
Kaylie Brown
Academic Counselor, TRIO Student Support Services
Beware of the Imposter: Understanding Imposter Syndrome and how we can Better Serve Students
This workshop is designed to help faculty, staff, and leadership in higher education better understand Imposter Syndrome and how students as they navigate challenges, goal setting, and success/failures in the college environment. The workshop will take a look at factors that could contribute to students experiencing Imposter Syndrome, behaviors that some might exhibit, and ways that professionals and support staff can assist students.
Research on Imposter Syndrome began in the 1970s. This workshop reviews where the research started and how it has evolved overtime. Additionally, this workshop provides an opportunity for faculty, staff, and leadership to better understand how students are affected by Imposter Syndrome and how institutions of higher education can be ready for serving students, especially those students who are at a higher risk of experiencing Imposter Syndrome.
Workshop participants will learn and understand what Imposter Syndrome is, how it affects students, who is more likely to experience Imposter Syndrome, behaviors associated with Imposter Syndrome, supportive measures from professionals or students on how to combat Imposter Syndrome.
About Kaylie
Kaylie Brown is an Academic Counselor for the TRIO Student Support Services program at Tulsa
Community College in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She was a first-generation student who attended school in the
Mid-Del district, graduating from Del City High school. Additionally, she graduated with a Bachelor of
Arts in Psychology in December 2011 from Oklahoma State University in Stillwater and a Master of
Science in Counseling in May 2017 from Oklahoma State University in Tulsa. Kaylie currently serves as
the on the Executive Board for the Oklahoma Division of Student Assistance Programs (ODSA) as
Secretary and serves as a Committee Member for the Southwest Association of Student Assistance
Programs (SWASAP). Prior to her work at Tulsa Community College, Kaylie was a Career Counselor in
Career Services at Northeastern State University on the Broken Arrow Campus and worked as an Intern
for the Oklahoma State University Career Services in Stillwater.